Aika online dg macro setup
Aika online dg macro setup

aika online dg macro setup

I tried to do this with SV record route macro, but the problem w/ SV is that it will stand in one spot until it kills all the monsters. Since plvling is so repetitive, i want to leave my archer on bot running in circles around the stack killing bask's.

aika online dg macro setup

Now that my archer is level 128, i started making waters to plvl at basilisk. O.K guys, so i have made a few macro's using macro express before. Macro Express (Help with Macro at Basilisk) Step 5: Type the following command /assist charactername Step 4: Give your macro a name such as "Assist" This is a very useful macro that can be used in very busy surroundings such as Realm vs Realms, Scanerios and Public Quest.

Aika online dg macro setup how to#

This will tell you how to make an assist macro in the Warhammer Online game. Xenia Frontier Dungeon UP and LEFT (Remap Dungeon)Macro File Grand Chase Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 16 FYI its not a cheat its just a macro file that enables you to run dungeon so you can do other choirs like mussicca said.!! Oben rechts auf das Rädchen -> Kontoeinstellungen -> Sprache -> Englisch O caçador da verdade é um set do level 75 da categoria Superior, por este motivo se torna mais fácil sua refinação do que um set raro. Veja abaixo onde dropa cada parte, no caso cada boss (chefe). Dropa em qualquer modo, porém com mais facilidade no modo Elite. Wichtig: Euer Facebook muss auf English umgestellt sein, damit alles reibungslos funktioniert. Como obter Este set dropa na Dungeon Lycan. Man kriegt die Accounts mit vielen Credits auch gut hier in elitepvpers weg. Ihr benötigt dafür iMacro einfach danach Googeln.ĭas Macro liked automatisch Facebook-Fanpages und ihr erhaltet somit Credits die Ihr auch wieder umtauschen könnt. Ich verkaufe hier mein AddMeFast Macro für schlappe 3 e*gold.

aika online dg macro setup

AddMeFast Macro & andere Macro's auf Anfrage!

Aika online dg macro setup